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Voxalized break-even calculator

How much do I earn from Spotify?

Estimate the amount of streams you need to start earning money from your song on Spotify & Co.

Enter your Details:
Your song is break-even at:
37.028 with a vocal of voxalized
Estimated profit:
$ 2.700
$ 1.350
$ 520
$ 830

Break-even: the amount of streams needed to start earning money with this song

Your profit potential

World's #1 Spotify Break-Even Calculator for Artists

Until now, determining your true earnings from a Spotify song involved guesswork. You’re aware of a stream’s value, but how does it add up when paying the vocalist, sharing profits, and dealing with label expenses? Introducing the first-ever artist-focused break-even calculator to clarify the calculations:
Determine when your song starts profiting
Calculate your song's revenue
Estimate the singer's earnings
Assess labels's share of song revenue
Understanding the numbers

How does the calculator work?

The calculator uses average streaming revenues and factors in expenses such as vocal payments and share allocation. This helps you maintain the true worth of your time and investment when purchasing vocals or releasing your song with a label.
Input your data on the left
Estimate your break-even and revenues on the right
Compare it to purchasing a vocal on Voxalized.
The Benefits

Why use the Spotify Break-Even Calculator?

As your career progresses, you’ll encounter more advanced vocal toplines and pitches. These often require larger upfront fees and also involve sharing profits with vocalists. The break-even Spotify calculator from Voxalized will help you:
Determine when your song starts profiting
Calculate your song's revenue
Estimate the singer's earnings

Most frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions.

At Voxalized, you can purchase a vocal starting from $29.99 and retain 100% of the shares upon release. This significantly enhances your song’s profitability potential.

No, the spotify break-even calculator exclusively estimates based on streaming revenue only.

We use the average streaming royalties, meaning how much you get per stream on Spotify. In Europe that equals around $0.0032, and worldwide $0.0027.

Do you need high-quality vocals?

Increase your profitability with our high-quality affordable vocals, from industry professional singers with up to 1 billion streams.

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